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夏至未至插曲介绍 遇见第21集唱的英文歌叫什么 内容剧透

2021-01-13 02:02:21资讯

简介  相信仅仅用有意思来形容这就比较欠妥了,其实仔细去看,都能感受到里面信息量也蛮大的,其中的纠葛,很难说清楚。到底这部剧后面的剧情要


­  夏至未至插曲介绍 遇见第21集唱的英文歌叫什么

­  根据郭敬明所著小说改编,由韩洋导演执导,陈学冬、郑爽、白敬亭领衔主演的青春偶像剧《夏至未至》正在湖南卫视金鹰独播剧场热播中。该剧讲述了女孩立夏在高中校园内与傅小司、陆之昂、遇见等人的青春美好的高中生活。戏里遇见是个怀揣歌手梦的女孩,为了追逐梦想而勇敢地付出行动,她在第二十一集唱了首很好听的英文歌。那么夏至未至遇见第21集唱的英文歌叫什么?遇见唱的英文歌的歌词是什么?接下来,小编为大家带来相关介绍。

­  夏至未至遇见第21集唱的英文歌叫什么?

­  电视剧《夏至未至》正在热播,遇见来到上海追逐自己的音乐梦想却遭遇潜规则,她在一家餐厅驻唱,为了梦想奋不顾身,却实在是不能接受要陪客人应酬作践自己,不忘初心,为了实现梦想再苦遇见也在坚持,好样的。那么在最新播出的第21集中,遇见唱得歌叫什么呢?

­  遇见唱的这首歌是Adele的《Someone Like You》。

­  《Someone Like You》歌词介绍

­  听说你已定下来

­  找到了一个女孩,

­  现在结婚了

­  听说你的梦想成真了

­  看来她给了你

­  我没给的

­  老友啊!你干嘛那麽害羞呢?

­  支支吾吾或闪避眼神,

­  这不像你啊

­  我讨厌这种突如其来的场面

­  但我无法离开,无法抗拒

­  我多希望你能看着我的脸

­  然後注意到,对我来说,

­  一切还没结束啊

­  放心吧!我会找到一个像你一样的人

­  我也只是希望你一切顺利

­  我求你别忘了我

­  记得你说过

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  你知道时间过得多快

­  我们那些难忘时刻才在昨天

­  我们就在夏雾里长大

­  随着惊喜的往日美好时光而在一起

­  我讨厌这种突如其来的场面

­  但我无法离开,无法抗拒

­  我多希望你能看着我的脸

­  然後注意到,对我来说,

­  放心吧!我会找到一个像你一样的人

­  我也只是希望你一切顺利

­  我求你别忘了我

­  记得你说过

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  凡事比不上,无忧无虑

­  但留在记忆中的尽是懊悔与所犯的错

­  这个中滋味谁知

­  尝起来

­  放心吧!我会找到一个像你一样的人

­  我也只是希望你一切顺利

­  我求你别忘了我

­  记得你说过

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  放心吧!我会找到一个像你一样的人

­  我也只是希望你一切顺利

­  我求你别忘了我

­  记得你说过

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  有时因爱而活,

­  有时却也因它而受伤

­  《Someone Like You》英文歌词介绍

­  Someone Like You- Adele

­  I heard that you"re settled down

­  That you found a girl and you"re married now

­  I heard that your dreams came true

­  Guess she gave you things I didn"t give to you

­  Old friend why are you so shy

­  Ain"t like you to hold back or hide from the light

­  I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

­  But I couldn"t stay away I couldn"t fight it

­  I had hoped you"d see my face and that you"d be reminded

­  That for me it isn"t over

­  Never mind I"ll find someone like you

­  I wish nothing but the best for you too

­  Don"t forget me I beg I remember you said

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead

­  You know how the time flies

­  Only yesterday was the time of our lives

­  We were born and raised in a summer haze

­  Bound by the surprise of our glory days

­  I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

­  But I couldn"t stay away I couldn"t fight it

­  I had hoped you"d see my face and that you"d be reminded

­  That for me it isn"t over

­  Never mind I"ll find someone like you

­  I wish nothing but the best for you too

­  Don"t forget me I beg I remember you said

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead yeah

­  Nothing compares no worries or cares

­  Regrets and mistakes they"re memories made

­  Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste

­  Never mind I"ll find someone like you

­  I wish nothing but the best for you

­  Don"t forget me I beg I remember you said

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead

­  Never mind I"ll find someone like you

­  I wish nothing but the best for you too

­  Don"t forget me I beg I remember you said

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead

­  Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead
